Thursday, 13 June 2013

In the summertime when the weather is high...

...I can stretch right up, and knock soil into the burrows of the other rabbits.

I haven't updated this blog for about six months, and there isn't much to say - needless to say, I was right to warn Benjamin against smoking. For two days after the party he was prone to embarrassing coughing fits that disturbed his sleep, and everyone else's. At one point, in the middle of the night, I crept into his burrow with a pillow, determined to silence him, but I quickly got a hold of myself.

Meeting up with Tom Kitten and Jeremy Fisher tonight for a quick drink - Benjamin is maddened with jealousy. I always tell him I cannot help being so popular but he won't be placated, and has made his own plans with Mrs Tiggy-Winkle, which is a bit odd, as they have nothing to talk about. In the past, Benjamin has tried to make a shawl to impress her, but it didn't work as it was full of holes.

I'm a bit worried about seeing Jeremy - he always tells the same story about how he was eaten by a trout that didn't like the taste of his macintosh, etc, etc. I have a way of silencing him though - when he repeats himself, I stamp on the ground, hard, until he stops.

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